“In every aspect of Web, what we require is the focus. The focus of entire web design should be in getting the user viewing efficiency to the maximum. The layout also has another dependency basically the viewing screen, the resolution. More to this is the entire concept of the site. I can remember the site of Leo Burnett when they entirely concentrated on the Signation of Leo Burnett and inturn the entire site revolves round that. That’s the focus. What would be essential to focus on the site. What’s the eye-ball sequencing, as we saw in our previous posts on Web Semiotics and Web Attention. This is a new angle or dimension of our analysis based on the User’s Presence in the site and psychological reasons behind it”
There are various types of representation that a corporate or an individual or a brand has, in the classification of employees, assets, financials, marketing etc... in the evolution of the technology yet another presence has taken a big mileage and now growing to the fullest of its length and breadth. Internet. This not just gets the fullest power when it’s fully in operation but also gets to the control of the webmaster to manoeuvre the user dynamics of the web audience.
The basics of attention still deals with the appearance but more to it would be the effort how the sheer presence gives a reasoning to it. The concept that would explain and keep him to the loop of his presence gather more inference when the same is being presented back as a case study to him wishing him thanks for his visit. Here are some ways where user feels the need to come and stay in the website.
1. The need satisfaction
When the user comes to the site, either direct or thro the referring site or thro the search engine what he looks for is first satisfying what he needs. Or atleast gets the satisfaction of the need to stay and scroll round the website.
The need factor makes another dimension to the layout as discussed in the topic “Web Attention” but more than that what the hotspot message that’s being portrayed.
2. Stay Factor
Only few of the site has this capability to keep the user to them, this can be a direct hold based on the content of relevance, or design. Or can be the brand that takes a major hold in the reach out. We can also assume there are some intrinsic variables that actually catch power when the user drives them towards the area of research. That’s what its for me…
3. Recall Factor
Even though there is lots fictitious things going behind factors that can lead into Recall, still the recall can be quantified based on the emotion and the psychological experience factor that people have during their stay. There can be lots related to the hotel stay when we talk about Web site. The first impression that brings people to the satisfaction and the reinforcement of the impression thro the service and the after service will get the max when people are going to think about the process
4. Psycho Metric Calculator – Site Experience
This is the factor which I feel would be the key to all the above we discussed. The psycho metric calculator has lots of psychosomatic aspects that multiplies the emotion, the presence, experience etc.. into consideration the simple Freudian System talking about dreams can be taken as a vital example of how a presence in intangible or fictitious world can make a difference. The entire concept can revolve around what makes the perception to make the reality.
Perception Vs Reality Factor: This is a subjective realization of factor that could bring people’s experience in concentration towards whats been developed towards the impression.
• Phenomenology:
Phenomenology is the study of structures of consciousness as experienced from the first-person point of view. The central structure of an experience is its intentionality, its being directed toward something, as it is an experience of or about some object. An experience is directed toward an object by virtue of its content or meaning (which represents the object) together with appropriate enabling conditions.
Source: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/phenomenology/
Relating Phenomenology to our concept here: This study gives us a great meaning and reference for us to compare and evaluate the system being dependent and get the evaluative influence and its consequence to what we are discussing as the Focus factor or the recall Factor. This psycho metric calculator would determine the user relationship to the schema and also tell the resistance or the flexibility level of the user towards his presence in the medium. This can be evaluated thro the analytics of the site.
i. Check the bounce rate of the website – how it gives an alarming boom of people visited and their tolerance towards the system and the loops and bounds that the site offers them to crawl
ii. The ratio of the loyal user to the bounce rate will also give a greater amount of difference of the intolerant user of the system and dynamics. Means the schema attraction factor did not comply its effort for those people
iii. The page views and the average page view timing can also tell us how much the user gets his mind to view and understand the system and try to get the use of it. If the user page views are high and traffic high, but the Page view timings are just in seconds average, you would notice that people just hate the schema of their landing.
• Noema:
As every one knows Noema is “Noema (plural: noemata) is Greek for the meaning of something. It is the mental equivalent of a schema or schematic of something. It is the "representation" of an experience of a meaning based system through its own self-referential process. It could also be considered as the projection of one's own experience onto oneself.
Noema is employed in phenomenology to refer to the terminus of an intention as given for consciousness. The mind breaks down external experiences into what we know as external reality. Noesis is the "thinking" process in such a manner that detects the meaning of the object itself (noema). It is the intentional thinking act which is directed upon the noema. In contrast to noesis (ability to sense or know something immediately), a noema is the object itself of perception or thought.[1]
Something noetic has to do with something involving intellectual activity (from the Greek nous, "mind"). One can speak of the noetic faculty as the "intellect proper." Another Greek word for mind is novhma (noema), which translates as mental thought or perception: that which thinks of an idea.
There is a noema corresponding to every act of memory, expectation, and representation.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noema
Relating Phenomenology to our concept here: The meaning based system that’s being referred and the reaction towards the same offers a count on the logical side of the analysis of the system under discussion. The logical entry could have been thro a proper channel of reference or thro a material source that could get a meaning to user landing or to their presence in the schema or the system as we call here. The concept of having these used to analyze the intention of their presence for the given set of the system, or the consciousness as it referred to. Means the realtiy score of what people like that takes the external score and the internal score of their experience to make them be available to the setup of the same. This activity would give a huge way of analyzing not just a meaning for someone who has come to the site or the system or also a meaning for the consciousness of his landing in the page where he is.
The analysis of such also increases a greater loyal users and increases the traffic density from particular sect of people or community. So if the website which we are discussing be something like Blog or Blog directory, it would be ideal to get the Noema score, (its very difficult to analyze and rate it, as there is no visible research in this field nor a rating structure available – but its not something impossible). This would make the community feel whats the best place to be and hows the noema score be adopted to get the consciousness of the presence.
As we get across the internal research of not just the traffic or how they come, we should also start analyzing why they come and how they like schema or the system and how they react to our available platform. We will see more in postings that comes in future.
Sathish Sampath
Friday, October 17, 2008
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